Home Delivery Service
We will deliver items from the library to homebound patrons in the city limits of Nevada, IA. Currently, we make regular deliveries to patrons at Rolling Green, Long Term Care, Meadows, Regency, and at their own homes. Items available for delivery include books in regular print or large print and recorded books on CD. Other items are available upon request.
We work with patrons to ensure that the items delivered are what the patron wants to read. The Library has non-fiction (books about different subjects, like music, sports, or history) and fiction (books with stories including westerns, romances, or inspirational) in both regular print and large print or on CD.
For more information, contact our the library at 515-382-2628.
To get started with home delivery, fill out the form below. The form is also available to print (click here) and can be returned at the front desk of the library or by mail.