1000 Books Before Kindergarten

This free program encourages you to read with your child before they enter Kindergarten. Reaching this goal before entering school can help children learn to read for themselves and give them an extra boost upon entering school.

How to Participate

  1. Register any children who have not entered Kindergarten and pick up your welcome packet. It has everything you need to get started!
  2. Read with your child!
  3. Color in a circle on your reading log for each book read (or each re-read of a book!)
  4. After you read 100 books, stop into the library to collect a new log and prizes you may have earned!
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you reach 1000 books!

Milestone Prizes

  • Sign-up: Book and starter packet
  • Every 100 books: milestone sticker!
  • 500 books: PBS Dry erase alphabet and number mat.
  • 1000 books: Book, name in a library book, and a "graduation" party at the Library!

How do we accomplish this?

  • 1 book per day for 3 years = 1095 books
  • 3 books per day for 1 year = 1095 books
  • Read books over and over (yes, you can count that towards your goal)
  • Count books read at library storytime, daycare, or with someone else.


If you have any questions, contact Dylan at ddavison@cityofnevadaiowa.org or call the library at 515-382-2628.